Ziad jarrah biography for kids

Online biography for kids

Ziad Samir Jarrah was a child of war.

ziad jarrah biography for kids

Ziad jarrah biography for kids

Background on Mohamed Atta, Ziad Jarrah, and Marwan al-Shehhi -- where they grew up, what is known about their families, and how their paths led them to Hamburg, Germany, where they .

Ziad jarrah biography for kids pictures

Ziad Samir Jarrah (Arabic:????????????) (– 11 September ), was named by the FBI as being the pilot of the hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 as part of the September 11, .
Ziad jarrah biography for kids photos
Ziad Samir Jarrah (Arabic: زياد سمير جراح) (May 11, — September 11, ), was the pilot of the hijacked United Airlines Flight 93, part of the September 11, attacks.