Vijay soman philip felig biography

Philip felig md

Vijay Soman, whose research misconduct most directly caused the problem, left the country for his native Poona, India, never to be heard from again, despite several reporters .
vijay soman philip felig biography

Vijay soman philip felig biography

The train of events which led to Vijay Soman's unmasking began, after all, with Philip Felig's adverse review of Dr. Wachslicht-Rodbard's g: biography.

Vijay soman philip felig biography wikipedia

unraveling of Vijay Soman's fabrication of data and his retraction of eleven papers, seven coauthored with Philip Felig, holder of an endowed chair and chief of endocrinology research .

Vijay soman philip felig biography death
Philp Felig, co-author of Vijay Soman's retracted paper, resigned as Chair of Medicine at Columbia.