Plutarch biography of pericles

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On seeing certain wealthy foreigners in Rome carrying puppies and young monkeys about in their bosoms and fondling them, Caesar 1 asked, we are told, if the women in their country did not .

plutarch biography of pericles

Pericles' funeral oration

Plutarch, the eminent biographer and essayist of ancient Greece, bestowed upon posterity a nuanced and insightful portrayal of the Athenian statesman Pericles in his work “Life of Pericles.”.

When did plutarch write life of pericles

Pericles is considered the greatest statesman Athens ever had, although he was not the king, the president, or even the mayor of the city.
Plutarch life of cimon summary
In chapter 9 Plutarch starts from the famous description of Thucydides II 65, who, according to Plutarch, qualified Pericles' go-vernment as a 'kind of aristocracy'.