Christine freund son of sam victims

Son of sam victims that survived

On January 30, 1977, Christine Freund, 26, and her fiancé John Diel, 30, were sitting in his car near a train station in Forest Hills, Queens.
christine freund son of sam victims

Christine freund son of sam victims

The hourlong demonstration was organized by Eva‐Maria Freund, the 20year‐old sister of Christine Freund, 26 years old, who last January was shot to death in Queens as she .

Christine freund son of sam victims pictures

Calling himself the Son of Sam, this serial killer terrorized New York City in the late 1970s.

Christine freund son of sam victims that survived
On January 30, , Christine Freund, 26, and her fiancé John Diel, 30, were sitting in his car near a train station in Forest Hills, Queens.