Birthdate of jesus of nazareth
Jesus' birth date september 11
The date of the birth of Jesus is not stated in the gospels or in any historical sources and the evidence is too incomplete to allow for consistent dating.
When was jesus born month
All the available information supports a birth date for Jesus of Nazareth on about December 25/January 6 th, 3/2 BC, with the beginning of His ministry when He was thirty years old in 28 .
When was jesus born and died
De paschæ computus, written in , notes the some groups of Christians celebrated the feast of Christ’s birth on March 28 and others on April 19/ The writings of Theophilus (d) and .
What year was jesus born
Thus, in his lifetime Jesus was called Jesus son of Joseph (Luke ; John , ), Jesus of Nazareth (Acts ), or Jesus the Nazarene (Mark ; Luke ).